A Typical Cells Pap Smear What Causes A Pap Smear To Come Back With Abnormal A Typical Cells?

What causes a pap smear to come back with abnormal a typical cells? - a typical cells pap smear

I have a Pap test and then a few cells with typical changes. IN White also higher than normal. Discharge is normal. but I wonder what causes the Pap test back in this way ... What could ...


jake696 said...

Usually ... HPV causes abnormal cells in Pap smear seen.

Search: The human papillomavirus

Ghee said...

Atypical means that cells are not "typical" how to repeat the cells of normal - your doctor will have your Pap - does not usually within 6 months - that the cancer is found, or any other thing of diagnosis - only that he are not "normally sent" cell type to a Pap test - you can have an infection - or endometriosis, or simply not "good" scratching (you have not had enough) to test cells --
Do not panic before he had another event - (6 months waiting period is usually because they) do not pay insurance for a re-test - you can always choose to pay for the test itself (if you can) afford it -- --
The download is not nothing to do w / the results of the test - if you have an infection - and would have "masked" the results --
Just get tested again, when Dr. resommends --

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