Tractor Baby Shower Wording Should My Friend Name Her Baby "Tractor Trailer"?

Should my friend name her baby "Tractor Trailer"? - tractor baby shower wording

Yes, the index of tractor wonderfully with a baby by his friend.

Get a life and stop silly questions


JSan5217... said...

Yes, but there are requirements

# 1) lived in a trailer park
# 2) It is a Camaro Drive
Have # 3) You have a mullet
To drink # 4) Pabst Blue Ribbon during pregnancy
# 5) You also need to regularly cook crystal meth in her bathtub and sell it for about 5 years

5 If the conditions are not met, then the baby can be called a semi-tractor trailer

♥MoonBea... said...

wow this is terrible. knew someone who Serendipity boy named ... but .. Semi-trailer is much worse. What do you think shes famous? lol celebrities are allowed to call their children stupid things! lol jk Its your choice .. a good friend .. Change your mind! lol

PurplePa... said...

Tell me, when it comes to Ligita would be absolutely foolish to do so. It might (but also his or her name?) Wipemy ass, or I do not know whether a child, only his name, the IP call for free!

Stephen L said...

This could lead eventually to a great nickname, when it (Let us all pray to) speak to a child, a powerful player or wrestler, but as a real name on his birth certificate? I think not.

Dr Funky Machine said...

The poor child was terrified, and for life if he / she is described as "semi-tractor trailer.
It's terrible, like calling your child "Apple".

♥I Luv My BayBays(2 weeks 2 go) said...

Yes, of course, his son is really fun and her mother gave him this name

dixie58 said...

redneckalicious good! or wouldnt name my dog something so stupid! honestly is 12 and bored? Go read a book or questions study.your are not fun, very sad, very happy!

dixie58 said...

redneckalicious good! or wouldnt name my dog something so stupid! honestly is 12 and bored? Go read a book or questions study.your are not fun, very sad, very happy!

bic said...

Sounds like trailer trash to me. Not to mention the child, can also be a sign hanging from his neck, indicating that Kick My A --

Shorty10... said...

I think not. The fact that the children can say is that only the names of the bad calls from other children.

thunder2... said...

if not I hope that child takes the baby away from her.

Haley Grace is here!!! said...

Really, it's your life so boring that you have nothing better to do.

Just Me said...

Trailer Trash is the best.

nawisnum... said...

Ensure that all your friends. I never called my tractor and trailer, baby.

Eggroll Jenkins ™ said...

I did not say who said the name of "Trailer Park".

keishais... said...

No thats just misspelled the name of a child.

Soula3 said...

Now it is bad .. to explain why you do so at your child.

Abby said...

If the garbage is better!

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