Saw Sister In Law Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Mommies!!!?

Breastfeeding mommies!!!? - saw sister in law breastfeeding

Any doctor or nurse, who sometimes, if you are breast-only served to give iron supplements with your baby? (and vitamin D, but most already know)
I'm breastfeeding for almost 2 years and the same with my sister that the baby is 7 weeks younger than me. Well, she has her children, a blood test because they are very curious to see if something was wrong, because a) HES always sick. b) is the capital and has bags under his eyes c) Bruse Soo easy.
so that the doctor immediately after the results of their iron and 5% were referred to 100% ... It was like a heavy iron-deficiency said, and the doctor, so there should be babies iron supplements during childhood, and she responded by saying that no eLook and said that shes never heard of him, and the doctor said he knows that nurses and health authorities say, get your vitamin D, but still neglected or forgotten to tell them they are enough iron!


hollyber... said...

I nursed my son 3 years, exclusively for 7 months. When he had his first set of blood tests, she has an iron deficiency, not to the extent of his nephew. We had to start on iron supplements. But I never give an iron supplement for children from birth belongs. My son is very good and I hope that your nephew fine.

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