Wisconsin Healthcare Power Of Attorney Information Individual Healthcare With Or Without A Maternity Plan?

Individual healthcare with or without a maternity plan? - wisconsin healthcare power of attorney information

My husband and I are looking for both independently and as next month, in the plans for the health of individuals. At the time I am employed full time and take our coverage, so if I my job, becoming self-employed ... we lose our insurance. It seems that nothing like a good coverage of maternity. Most insurance companies require that you wait 3-12 months before becoming pregnant! Then you pay only a maximum of $ 2,000 for the birth! Has anyone any advice or recommendations? Has anyone paid only for the primary health care and the birth of the bag?

I live in Wisconsin, when it arrives.
I am not now pregnant, but we try.
Please do not say "do not leave their jobs," because we have already decided that on Monday and Thursdaynot answered my question.

Thank you!


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