Extreme Tech Deck What Can We Do As A Society To Help Prevent Atrocities Like The Virginia Tech Shootings?

What can we do as a society to help prevent atrocities like the Virginia Tech shootings? - extreme tech deck

Remember that we want a "free" society to obtain. I speak as an American here. How can we prevent senseless acts of extreme violence, and yet people can be free?

On the one hand, this is my suggestion that we talk openly about our challenges. Only for a moment that sets the test for others and leave them on what they feel inside to talk. Do not criticize them incentives to be honest. Frowns of our society who are different than emotion open the screen. Why?

Of course, taken to extremes (anger, for example), showing emotions is a terrible choice. But the point is to help people (if they are not out of scope) before things reach a boiling point.

What a pity we are so cruel be, let these things happen.

We need to communicate honestly, and can tell how people we feel in danger.

You do not agree with it?


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