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Why does the law so lenient with women?
If a man violates a woman who spent 25 to 35 years in prison, sometimes you just need a woman to lie, and it is sent to prison for the rest of his life.
On the other hand, if the guilty genital jealous wife cuts husband, everything you need to do to get out of it is wrong to have psychological problems and for free, or if it appears that it may take as little as 6 to 9 months. Yes, Google "Amanda Monti," and you'll see what I mean. It's like "Ohh this nose knows what he has done," the law itself

What is the worst of all forms: rape or castration? Because I say castration a man's life ruined for the rest of his life.
If a girl or a boy kicked in the nuts is all that funBut when a man hits a girl in the face, which is in difficulties.

The question is: "Why is the law so lenient with women?

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My husband and I are looking for both independently and as next month, in the plans for the health of individuals. At the time I am employed full time and take our coverage, so if I my job, becoming self-employed ... we lose our insurance. It seems that nothing like a good coverage of maternity. Most insurance companies require that you wait 3-12 months before becoming pregnant! Then you pay only a maximum of $ 2,000 for the birth! Has anyone any advice or recommendations? Has anyone paid only for the primary health care and the birth of the bag?

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Please do not say "do not leave their jobs," because we have already decided that on Monday and Thursdaynot answered my question.

Thank you!

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I'm looking for the Xbox 360 work on a PC, and I think I need a little more information.

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